Take these surveys to make our school an even better place!
This is our one-stop shop for all surveys at our school. Make sure you take the one that's just for your grade to voice your opinion about how we can make our school a better place! Your voice matters - make the difference! Vote using the survey links below!
Click on the link below (for your specific grade) to voice your opinion on how we can revamp clubs to make it better!
Grade 6 Club Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/1O-XZ0mV9kgjGQ7RMamb7HOCIkeD7igQXXiJYyuAusXE/edit?usp=sharing_eil&ts=5ccb10b6
Grade 7 Club Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1barSbge6XE7eFPiLMyyE-mxFTrQ3Jyymx8z-0EaUcNM/edit?ts=5ccb119e
Grade 8 Club Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gE8RTgI0-LZdGZxCi_nuAxEroRnI0o19M3GNUG4DPds/edit?ts=5ccb145f
Grade 7 Club Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1barSbge6XE7eFPiLMyyE-mxFTrQ3Jyymx8z-0EaUcNM/edit?ts=5ccb119e
Grade 8 Club Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gE8RTgI0-LZdGZxCi_nuAxEroRnI0o19M3GNUG4DPds/edit?ts=5ccb145f